Two challenges for 2020

In the Scouts every challenge is an opportunity to grow, so I’m happy to announce that 1st Trumpington has TWO coming up.

Can you help? Absolutely!

Our first challenge is storage space. This falls in the category of “problems it is good to have” because the reason we need storage is because we’ve grown to over 60 young members. Three busy sections mean we are building up a collection of kit for activities and trips away. At present we are renting part of a container in Sawston but in the long run we would ideally like to get the use of a disused garage, or a small corner of land where we can park a 20ft shipping container, somewhere in Trumpington. A unit that size could serve a second group, which is our ambition!

We will be more than happy to do maintenance and even pay a peppercorn rent. Please keep your eye out and pass on our plea to any likely contacts, and if anyone wants to talk please get in touch with me.

Our second challenge is leadership, which is not to say that we lack it, because we have an awesome Group leader in the person of Geoffrey Coad, but he has been promoted into a County level role which he’ll be doing full time from July. So 1st Trumpington are on the hunt for a new GSL.

GSL is a very people-oriented job, and it is all about helping our team of leaders. Whatever they need to run a great programme, GSL is there. Group-level plans, working out a training programme, telling the trustees what the group needs, being our representative at District and County level so we get invited to events, these are all part of the job. GSL is also a Scout leader themselves and can get involved in running activities too. Many GSLs have no prior experience in Scouting (in common with most of us in the team) so that need not be any barrier. All GSLs get to know a lot of people in the local area and have a lot of fun.

Want to find out more? Know someone who might like to find out more? Get in touch with me!

That’s it for the challenges. They are toughies but as always, we’ll crack them by working together. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Amyas Phillips
Chair of Trustees

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